Bicycle Crank Lever
AZL Partner Covestro

Polycarbonate (PC) based Maezio® UD  tapes open up new horizons for manufacturing premium bicycle components in high volumes at a competitive cost. Continuous unidirectional fibers couple low weight with high rigidity, which can be fine-tuned with cross-layering. PC matrices allow automated part manufacturing with little shrinkage and a finely finished surface, as well as specific property advantages.

details of use case
advantages Mechanically strong with anisotropic lightweight properties

Resistance to shocks and debris minimizes part failure

High surface quality off-tool without grinding or finishing

material Maezio® (CF/PC) UD tape
process Compression Moulding
development status Prototype
development partners Ensinger Composites Schweiz GmbH
additional information

Further information regarding the project can be found here.

your contact

Herr Arne Böttcher

Market Development Manager
Tel.: +49 214 6009 2471

Covestro Deutschland AG

Kaiser-Wilhelm-Allee 60
513737 Leverkusen

company profile
AZL Partner Covestro
our use cases
AZL Partner Covestro
AZL Partner Covestro
AZL Partner Covestro
AZL Partner Covestro
AZL Partner Covestro