DSM Engineering Plastics is establishing business partnerships for supplying UD tapes based on DSM specialty polyamides to the market. We enter technology partnerships with customers for successful metal-to-composite product design as well as compound solutions requiring local reinforcements. We believe in custom-made solutions for structural and semi-structural applications.
Design, Simulation and Optimization
- Finite Element Analysis support in choice and implementation of UD-tapes in components
- Design optimization of UD-tape reinforced parts
- UD-tapes
- Specialty polyamides and polymers for UD-tape
- High performance polymers
For further information please visit http://www.dsm.com/extreme.
Business partnerships for joint developments of UD-tape reinforced components.
Dr. Raj Mathur
Global R&T Manager Advanced Composites
+31 6 52 59 06 14
Dr. Giacomo Perfetti
Application Development Engineer Advanced Thermoplastic Composites
+31 683 649747
DSM Engineering Plastics
Urmonderbaan 22
6167RD Geleen
The Netherlands